Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My texting buddy

So this morning I got on ksl.com to see if anyone was selling any Sundance night ski passes. Amongst the Michael Buble and Brian Reagan tickets (I wish I had some of those), I found some. I texted the person asking if they were still available and he told me that yes he still had some. You see that I am assuming that this person is a he when in reality I don't know the gender of this mystery texter.

We have been texting back and forth all day. We have been saying things like, "What time can you meet up?" and "I get off work at 6" and "I'll call you when I get off of work." I have been texting this person that I have never met all day and it's weird because we are sharing personal information with each other as if we have been friends forever. Ok, not it's THAT personal, but you get my point.

It's 6:00. I'm getting off of work. It's time to call my texting buddy and finally hear the sound of his/her voice.


KILEY said...

That is a creepy thing. Please be careful my love. I need you.

Erin said...

That is a crazy thing. I got free moving boxes on craigslist once and it was so weird to just drive to this random address in Springville and pick them up.

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