Monday, March 15, 2010

Do you have the right?

At work I am doing an ongoing project with the Relief Society Magazine. This publication was actually a pioneer to the Ensign, New Era, and the Friend. My job is to look through the articles, lessons, and advertisements and make sure they are all entered into the RS Magazine database. It sounds tedious, but I actually like it because I find amazing things like this (from 1915):

Clothing for the Woman Past Forty

**insert article here**

Here is the end part:

Why we oppose pockets for women.

1. Because pockets are not a natural right
2. Because the great majority of women do not want pockets. If they did, they would have them.
3. Because whenever women have had pockets they have not used them.
4. Because women are expected to carry enough things as it is, without the additional burden of pockets.
5. Because it would make dissension between husband and wife as to whose pockets were to be filled.
6. Because it would destroy man's chivalry toward woman if he did not have to carry all her things in his pockets.
7. Because men are men and women are women. We must not fly in the face of nature.
8. Because pockets have been used by men to carry tobacco, pipes, whisky flasks, chewing gum and compromising letters. We see no reason to suppose that women would use them more wisely.
--Alice Duer Miller in New York Times


Amanda said...

That's amazing. And I love it.

Erin said...

OH MY GOSH. That is incredible. But I think they are right, the fact that I have pockets (which IS my natural right) is destroying my husband's chivalry toward me.

Cierra said...

we must not fly in the face of nature.


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