Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I do what I want

This is my new philosophy in life. It's a pretty good one. It has been working out for me so far.

It's not that I submit to the natural woman inside of me or that I have completely surrendered to my natural instincts. It is however, a statement of liberation and contentment.

"I do what I want." Is a declaration to all people announcing that you don't conform to the rules that society has made for you. It pertains to all aspects and realms of life. It takes away the "limitations" one has because of gender, social status, financial situation, occupation, race, whatever.

I'm sure you can find many ways to apply this idea, but let me give you one example. Dating. There are so many unspoken rules in dating. Too many. It is ridiculous. Why should a boy wait a few days before calling a girl after working so hard to get her number? To let her know that he isn't really THAT interested? Maybe he doesn't want to "scare" her? Then why did you get her number in the first place?  It's "the game" that prevents people from being who they are and doing what they think is right.

"The game" consists of people trying really hard to be something that they are not and to do things that they wouldn't normally do to try to impress someone. A common strategy in "the game" is to over-analyze every action and thought until you have thought of so many options and angles that you become discouraged because you don't know which one to take. From there you have lost your natural self and you become a puppet to the nonsensical rules that society has made about dating.

So, this is where "I do what I want" becomes a life-changing mantra. I don't do what society wants me to do. I don't try to follow popular standards that many blindly follow. If I want to do something and it's not going to be harmful to anyone else, I'm going to do it. If you want someone to love you for who you are, then be who you are. Don't look at your friend who goes on a lot of dates and try to become her because you are not her. Don't try to be "that guy" that all the girls want because you aren't him. Don't plan your every move or rehearse your every word. Just be yourself and DO WHAT YOU WANT. Someone out there will love that and you won't have to keep up any appearances.

So, to the world at large I say, do what you want. You won't regret it. If you want to call someone, call them. If you want to talk to someone, talk to them. If you want to apply for the job, apply for it. If you want to die your hair hot pink, do it. You hold the joy stick in your own life.

 A quote by our beloved President Gordon B. Hinckley:
“I would like to suggest to you that you ‘grab life by the horns’ and do not let life grab you by the horns. You take control of your lives. … Do not let life control you. … Take charge. Rise to the divinity that is within you.”

Also, an inspirational video I saw in my marketing class:


Amanda said...

Girl, you do what you want! Love it.

Erin said...

I was actually going to write EXACTLY what TW did. So, yeah! Let's all do what we want!

alexandria said...

Im proud of you for being you. Because you ms shell bell, are fabulous!

Shelly said...

Thanks ya'll. I have been thinking about this post ever since I wrote it and wondering if I was being hypocritical because I still get sucked into stuff sometimes. So, take this as a disclaimer, I'm not 100% free from societal pressures. They can get to me like they do anyone else.

rachel v. said...

love it! great words to live by, well put :)

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